Please follow our Community Guidelines to keep Ello Messenger safe for all users.
- Treat all members with dignity and respect
- No hate speech, bullying, or personal attacks
- Avoid discriminatory language or harmful stereotypes
- Respect all cultures, backgrounds, and identities
- Keep group discussions confidential
- Only share photos with explicit consent from everyone pictured
- Protect personal information
- Don't share group content with outsiders
- No illegal content of any kind
- No promotion of violence or exploitation
- Don't share or promote scams
- Verify information before sharing
- Exercise caution with external links
- Keep content age-appropriate
- Avoid explicit or graphic material
- No triggering language or profanity
- Maintain professional communication
- Contact admins through the Report system for any issues
- Report violations promptly
- Help maintain community standards
- Rules apply to all members equally
- Violations will be addressed by moderators
- Violations result in immediate removal
- Moderator decisions are final
Being critical and cautious is smart, but respect comes first. We have zero tolerance for:
- Racism or discrimination of any kind
- Hostile or aggressive behavior
- Personal attacks or harassment
- Coordinated price manipulation
- Group buying signals
- Artificial market inflation
- Financial recommendations without a proper license or written disclaimer
- Trading signals without a proper license or written disclaimer
- Portfolio management suggestions without a proper license or written disclaimer
- Medical recommendations without a proper license or written disclaimer
- Fraudulent projects
- False promises
- Deceptive practices
- Direct cryptocurrency sales
- Over-the-counter (OTC) trading
- Unauthorized token sales
- Non-public information sharing
- Privileged trading groups
- Market manipulation schemes